#entarch to business speak translator

Reading Time: 2 minutes

I had quite a positive meeting with someone from the business regarding enterprise architecture (EA) . It’s an interesting engagement, which we’ve yet to do in any other part of the business. To put it mildly, the area is terribly unhappy with their IT support. I’d suggest their issues are mostly with delivery and communication, program management, application portfolio management, technology modernisation, and business automation in general. This is why I am absolutely certain an EA view and strategy will provide massive benefits. The entire enterprise is so EA immature though, broaching the discipline with the business carries some risk. This wasn’t a major concern for me. It’s clear from the size of the above issues and the major stakeholder’s passion and urgency to fix them, that they “get” it.

To prevent any bad first impressions of EA, I carefully spoke to their needs. I stayed well-clear of our usual enterprise architecture mother-tongue/pseudo speak. (I feel describing enterprise architecture in any real detail intimidates even some IT folks who are more comfortable on the software side.) I was out of practice in business discussions, but the outcome was OK.

I thought it’d be interesting to take the time to record some of the key concepts I remember avoiding, and publish the business-friendly versions which worked. And it’s helpful to consider some more this “enterprise architecture to business speak translator”. Anyone is welcome to contribute their own. I’ve been to presentations some time ago which covered IT to business communication more generally. And there are probably stacks of posts on this topic which I’ll maybe reference later.

Enterprise architecture concept Business description
Meta model Big clear picture to describe everything we need to understand.  Ordinarily this is not something I’d recommend sharing anyway, but this was a special case.
Conceptual to logical to physical Going from the big picture of what you need, down to the level of detail where we know what we’ll put in place
As-is picture View of what’s there today
Business architecture Everything we need to know about how the operation is organised, and how it runs
Data entities Information
Association matrix Mapping
Business to IT alignment Implementing the right supportive technology that business processes require.  (The meaning changes slightly, but was correct in that instance.)
Tactical solutions What we can do in the short-term to help
Thanks Chris
Increase profit by reducing waste

Information poetry

Reading Time: < 1 minute

I never thought a poem would appeal to me as an information architect. I thought this unknown fuzzy discipline is buried too heavily in business data and technology to enjoy something designed for pleasure purposes alone. Never in my wildest dreams did I think the information domain would be so clearly understood by someone other than an information manager, let alone a children’s author.

Michael Rosen changed this though. Myles had to watch his performance of We’re Going On A Bear hunt as part of his home work. My curiosity took me to his web site where I found a fantastic bit of prose, called

Words Are Ours:

In the beginning was the word
and the word is ours:
the names of places,
the names of flowers,
the names of names,
words are ours.
for early-learners
How to boil an egg
or mend a leg
Words are ours
Love hearts
Sports reports
Short retorts
Jam-jar labels
Words are ours
Following the instructions
for furniture constructions
Ancient mythologies
Online anthologies
Who she wrote for
Who to vote for
Joke collections
Results of elections
Words are ours
The tale’s got you gripped
Have you learned your script?
The method of an Experiment
Ingredients for merriment
W8n 4ur txt
Re: whts nxt
Print media
Words are ours
Sub-titles on TV
Details on your cv
Book of great speeches
Guide to the best beaches
Looking for chapters
on velociraptors
Words are ours
The mystery of history
The history of mystery
The views of news
The news of views
Words to explain
the words for pain.
doing geography
What to do in pay-phones
Goodbyes on gravestones
Words are ours.
Source: http://www.michaelrosen.co.uk/poems_wordsareours.html, accessed 20 October 2010