One week and a few days on, our Pomeranian Bella has pretty much returned to normal after being attacked and needing a vet procedure.
There were a few rough days at the start for all of us. Bella was in pain and lethargic. Myles was distraught from being in the thick of the conflict, thinking he should have done more. I suspect my own difficulties might have been minimal, but it certainly didn’t seem so as each day I wiped out the bloody ooze from her inserted drain tube, and cleaned her fur.
After a couple of days Bella wanted to return to the scene of the crime – so to speak. I took her to the school on a close leash the first couple of visits. Then we tested her with a few friendly dogs and it was such a relief to see her showing no fear, and no new aggression or reaction.
At home we may have even noticed Bella has grown more attached to us. Most of the time, that’s nice with her snuggling and loving more pats. When we leave though, her fury might have actually become worse.
I let the other family (whose dog attacked Bella) know that Bella is back and doing well. They appreciated the update, even saying it might help their healing process. It turned out Vicky’s injury from the bite was serious enough to still need more recovery time.
We were all terribly impacted by the events of last Thursday afternoon. It seems though, the physical and emotional scars, may be more significant with the other family.
Bella received her final medicine this morning – to combat infection. This was just as she seems to have learned the sound of a tablet being crushed up in a bowl, and training herself to come close and sit for the reward of a small bowl of milk. I guess we can keep up the reward bit for a little while longer.