The Brinktionary

Reading Time: < 1 minuteI’ve always enjoyed humour based on satire and wit. Like when comedian Steven Wright observed that a shin is a device for finding furniture in the dark.

Back at school I bought Colin Bowles The Wit’s Dictionary, which over time I even added to in pencil when new satirical terms from other sources took my fancy.

I also came up with some of my own from time to time, with some help from my kids. Below I’ve been capturing some of my own warped meanings drafted with tongue-in-cheek, sprinkled with some #kidlulz.

Agenagenagen(Hindi) "You're unclear, please repeat what you said in a simpler way."8:50 PM - 24 May 2017
ArroganceThe collective noun for a collection of red wines from different regions.6:02 PM - 3 Oct 2015
AvocadoGreen thing, like a pear, just more disgusting.#kidlulz
6:21 AM - 26 Jan 2016
(adj/adv/noun) A frequency which has Two vastly different meanings.5:55 PM - 23 Feb 2017
Birth(noun) The event when children find a way out of their mother's belly.#kidlulz
2:52 AM - 8 Sep 2017
Brash(adjective) The collective noun of faeces that you fling in anger.5:18 PM - 9 Apr 2017
Bread boxa device you put bread in to make it green before throwing out.2:16 PM - 7 Jan 2012
Coco popsRice bubbles that are brown like a bear.#kidlulz
7:37 AM - 30 Sep 2016
Crash(noun) A more fierce Clash; or a regular clash for someone struggling to pronounce an L.2:19 PM · May 19, 2020
Croissanta bread thing, shaped funny that's missing the egg & bacon.Oxford - not really
8:18 AM - 24 Jun 2014
Croissant (2)French for Crumbs8:23 AM - 25 Feb 2014
DAIYU BUSTED(Scouser dialect) an unsympathetic suspicion to an opposing team member's injury.2:35 PM · May 27, 2016
Decimatewhen 10% of your friends are Australians.4:30 AM - 20 Apr 2012
Diagonal(adj.) A bit sideways, and a bit up.#kidlulz
7:16 AM · Apr 20, 2021
(noun) an intrusive device aimed at distracting you from enjoying life.11:54 AM - 25 Mar 2013
(noun) flimsy reason given to avoid a workout.11:08 AM - 7 Jan 2016
Export Credit (noun) The treasury agreeing to scratch your back if you agree to scratch theirs.9:17 AM - 13 Mar 2012
Faeces(noun) the more posh way to mention poo, for story-telling purposes#kidlulz
3:10 PM · Jul 14, 2016
Faecinating(adj.) the heightened interest that young boys find in talking about poo.#kidlulz
9:46 AM · May 20, 2020
Famousa mostly sold-out adjective, which means either hopeful or desperate. 6:58 AM - 17 Feb 2013
Fertilizera fancy word for putrid stench.10:34 AM - 2 Nov 2016
FocusphobiaThe fear of doing one thing at a time.1:33 AM - 24 Feb 2019
Fresh(adj.) the non-expletive way to say it’s fucking freezing.8:33 AM · Jun 17, 2021
Gapanother word for an opportunity. Is your gap half-empty or your opportunity half-full?12:09 PM - 8 Feb 2015
Gawkwardwhen someone stares at something uneasy/difficult/inconvenient. 8:14 AM · May 20, 2020
Geeseelegant ducks with a long neck.#kidlulz
2:58 AM - 27 Aug 2017
Gluten-tagGerman greeting for those without coeliac disease.#kidlulz
2:08 PM · Sep 11, 2021
Hacker(noun) Any person who is better than Owen in a computer game.#kidlulz
5:26 PM · Apr 30, 2022
Hamster(noun) the midway point between a rat and a cat.8:05 AM - 16 Nov 2018
HopefulWhen web browsers auto-complete a suggested URL when the user has only typed www.9:46 PM - 20 Nov 2012
Hospitalthat ambulance house thing#kidlulz
3:48 PM - 8 Sep 2017
Humbled(adj) to be proudly embarrassed.10:12 AM - 15 May 2012
Infinityaire(noun) like a millionaire or billionaire, except the money never stopped growing.Blogged.
9:49 PM - 22 Oct 2012
Insectssomething with wings that's annoying.#kidlulz
10:42 AM - 19 Mar 2016
IntermittentFrench for annoying8:51 AM - 7 Feb 2012
IronyWhen it’s too cold to venture out and buy a jumper.11:53 AM - 29 May 2019
IronyAttending a data dictionary workshop, and I was confused by one of the columns and they explained the title in a completely opposite way to the term's definition.2:08 PM · Apr 3, 2023
Irrationalise(verb) To justify actions based upon illogical reasons.9:09 PM - 27 May 2017
"Jeff's Shed"(For anyone else new to Victoria) "Jeff's Shed" is the Melbourne Convention Exhibition Centre. It has that colloquial title in reference to the former Vic premier.1:40 PM · Jun 16, 2021
Jiggerbyte(n) the digital storage required for a video of lively springy dance in triple rhythm.3:14 PM - 19 Jun 2012
Kanban(看板): refers to the evolution of an idea to a sticky note, to an online tool, to a print out, to a photo, to an email message, to a reply-all, back into a tool, and into a brand new idea.4:38 PM · Feb 11, 2020
Kiwi Fruit(noun) fruit of a hairy variety#kidlulz
10:46 AM - 1 Dec 2012
Knowledge management(noun)_ Persistence for posterity11:58 AM · Jan 12, 2023
Lavatoread(verb) to take a book with you into the bathroom.11:21 AM - 17 Aug 2012
Lint(noun) an annual religious period of resistance to clothes fluff.7:38 PM - 12 Mar 2012
(adj.) Ridiculous plus 7% 4:14 PM - 22 Oct 2014
Mobile phone(n) a device that rings to inform some employees where they were meant to be ten minutes ago10:33 AM - 20 May 2012
Mysteriousa sexy word for incomprehensible.10:12 AM - 14 Mar 2013
Nostrilsthe holes where your boogers are.#kidlulz
5:15 PM - 28 Jul 2014
Oblivious(adj.) A dumber version of being unaware.10:21 AM - 29 Sep 2014
OMGWow x 35%5:05 AM - 6 May 2016
Opaquea posh word for see-through#kidlulz
9:54 AM - 2 Dec 2012
Organicincreasingly another term for "Yuppy".2:33 PM - 17 Feb 2015
Pair of Ducks Paradoxnot sure what it might be about, but it sounds cool.8:39 AM · Feb 7, 2023
Pareto Passing20% of colleagues feel 80% of their duties should be performed by someone else.5:47 AM - 9 Jul 2012
Pide (Turkish pastry)Turkish for tasty pizza boat. 1:40 PM - 1 Jul 2017
PistachiosThe nut that looks like a clam.#kidlulz
8:06 PM - 16 Apr 2014
RecallThe short form of "Oh crap, did I just send that to EVERYONE!?"10:07 AM - 19 Dec 2013
(noun) the enlightenment from receiving the same insult a second time. 2:15 PM - 17 Dec 2013
SaturdayThe day when people 'sit' around#kidlulz
7:52 AM · Aug 20, 2019
Sentry gun(noun) an automatic weapon that will last one hundred years.#kidlulz
7:27 AM · Sep 25, 2021
Shopping list(noun) A smarmy device to demonstrate how far off track you can get. 1:52 PM - 20 Feb 2016
Sleazy(adj) Creepy plus some ego.1:19 PM - 8 Sep 2018
Sludgethe past tense of a slug crossing a footpath.9:04 AM - 20 April 2012
Speed Bump(noun) a small rise in the road, which increases safety by cars driving around them slowly.2:47 PM - 4 Mar 2017
SudokuMigraine caused by numbers (origin Japan).4:07 AM - 31 Aug 2017
Suit jacketa piece of tailored clothing to make the back of my office chair match my pants.2:19 PM - 25 Oct 2011
TreatThe day before Retreat2:53 PM - 3 Apr 2018
TriathlonAn athletic pursuit which combines four events, swim, cycle, run, and quickly getting dressed for work after sleeping in.2:30 am - 4 Aug 2012
Ubiquitous(adj.) The ability to complete an unfinished transaction via a different device that isn't yet flat.8:25 AM - 29 Nov 2018
(noun) a French gang who ransom car parks for exorbitant sums of money. 1:51 PM - 5 Oct 2014
Waggle(verb) a wiggling wagging motion made by the tails of excessively happy animals.6:10 PM - 30 May 2012

Australian holidays – August 2017

Reading Time: 3 minutesTwo weeks back at work, and I’m in danger of forgetting my two weeks holiday in Australia.

I arrived in Launceston for a change, as Elle and boys were visiting an ill family member. The next day was already arranged for the boys and I to go zipline-ing at Treetops in Hollybank forest.  It was a wonderful experience.  I really don’t know what age group had the most fun.

We had only another two days with family in Tasmania, before we flew up to Brisbane.

The next day we were “Show And Tell” at my nephew’s class when we surprised him at school.

We became quite odd objects for his classmates to ask some interesting questions. They were most interested in how far away is Dubai. How do you get to Dubai. How many minutes is that? How long does it take to get there. Then again, how many minutes is that??

It wasn’t until we mentioned the flight took enough time to watch eight movies back-to-back that the questioning moved on.

Then perhaps the last question was the most interesting to them, when they learned that I work at a theme park with LEGOLAND!  Lesson learned. I really should have led with that one.

Back in Brisbane, thanks to my parents we saw the Brisbane Broncos play at home against the Parramatta Eels.  The boys were super excited. It was the first live NRL match for Lewis & Owen. Well, for Lewis. Owen fell into a deep sleep soon after we arrived in the stadium.  Even with all the extremely loud cheering, he didn’t stir.

Sadly, most of the cheering from 12 seconds on, was for Parra.  Bronco Adam Blair thought it was a good idea on the first kick return, to pass it aimlessly to an opposition player to score the fastest try recorded in NRL history. I think Blair’s been in need of a Head Impact Assessment for all of his life.

Broncos eventually scored some points in response.  They even began dominating, until silly mistakes undid all the good work. The final score was 54-34.

The boys and I still came out victorious, thanks to a McDonald’s promotion.  The Broncos scored more than 19 points, so each spectator could take their match ticket into a McDonald’s restaurant and pick up a free Broncos Burger. Myles had already devoured one of those in our travels and was a huge fan. When we visited the city the next day, we got three … and then another, and another. Free food really sparked Myles’s imagination. We wondered how we could print and redeem the other 29,000 tickets from the game.

That day we visited the Gallery of Modern Art.  It happened to be hosting an Avengers exhibit.  They had lots of costumes and props from the movies. And we got to design and share our own super heroes (I wonder if my Library Woman character will ever hit the big screen). The most fun was certainly the BRILLIANT interactive character exhibit that mimicked whatever moves the boys would make. The boys (and I) could have stayed there for hours, dabbing and kung fu kicking as Iron Man, HULK, and Guardian of the Galaxy characters tried to keep up on the big screen in front.

On the Sunshine Coast we stayed with my brother and family. It coincided with the Caloundra Power Boat Club’s “Take a kid fishing” Day.  We had a trial run on the day before and caught a few fish each, which was promising for the competition.  On the day that mattered though, we caught almost nothing.  The boys were more than pleased to just catch a few toad fish. Three out of our four boys still won a rod & reel combo regardless.

Our nephew’s Poppy opened up his arms wide and asked Owen how big was the fish he caught.  Owen felt compelled to correct him, “It wasn’t nearly that big!”  Quite an honest boy, but not a real fisherman. Yet.

We tested out the rods a few days later. Again with very little success, except for a couple of toad fish.  Myles was so proud that he was able to catch one with his bare hands.  It might be the only thing worse than catching a toad fish with a fishing rod.

Then our time in cool Australia was over.

It was an enjoyable, relaxing time.

For our flight home I saved almost two thousand dollars and flew China Southern Airlines, via Ghanzhou.  Apart from a few minor peculiarities (like people’s carry-on luggage being a 12kg box of peeled garlic), I thought it was pretty cool. Their premium economy seats were better than any other I can recall. I thought we found a wonderful alternative, until at the baggage belt in Dubai one of our bags was missing. We learned that it was safe and sound, but still in China.  Perhaps it’s an indication that you get what you pay for.

On the plus side, it was nice to have a good excuse for not shaving on my first day back at work.

Sun down

Reading Time: < 1 minuteWe ate at our table out the back last night, as the evening was so lovely. Lewis (aged 2 years old) looked up at the sky and announced to us all that it’s getting dark. I asked him why. He went quiet for maybe 2-3 seconds so I honestly thought he may not have known, but then he responded quite matter of factly, “Sun fell down“.

Fooling no one

Reading Time: < 1 minuteA little while ago I realised I’m no longer able to fool my kids. It wasn’t too long ago that I used to scare Myles when he woke up by saying he missed our trip to Disney World.  Now when he wakes up and I try something more realistic like he’s missed the bus, he just says to me “Give it a rest Dad!”

Queensland floods

Reading Time: < 1 minuteMyles was very interested in news of the devastating floods back home in Queensland, and particularly Brisbane – our former city. He was extremely concerned about the whole emergency. 

From the various stories we shared with him about it, he particularly liked the story of the tug boat driver who saved the Gateway Bridge from the 50 metre strech of concrete walkway that broke away from its pylons – despite the clear risk, and it not being part of his job. Amongst Myles’s praises for the tug boat driver he mentioned, “No job is as important as saving another”.  It was very touching, I just had to hug the boy.  I thought it was excessively deep for a six year old.  Then he told me he didn’t come up with it himself, it was from Thomas the Tank Engine – apparently Rusty said it once.  Still it was lovely to hear him recount it.

Wrestling diss

Reading Time: < 1 minuteThis morning my boys and I had a wrestle, like we often do.

The two of them are really starting to work well together. I can see I’m clearly in danger in the years to come.

Myles especially is starting to take our little contests to the next level. He’s almost starting to sound like a WWE professional. While struggling on top of me, he exclaimed “We’re not trying to kill you, we’re just going to break your head off!”

Not very comforting.


Reading Time: < 1 minuteMyles and I saw our friend Alan in the lift of our apartment building. Myles has an interest in cars, so when Alan left I mentioned that he has a nice Audi. My little guy looked up at me a little strangely, and asked what did it look like so I responded it’s a nice sporty Audi TT. Aah, to this he was a bit relieved. Myles thought I had said Alan had an “outtie” – Australian slang for an unusual belly button that protrudes out instead of going in.
NB: I cannot confirm whether Alan’s belly button goes in or out.

Scary Stickers

Reading Time: < 1 minuteMyles and I were looking at a book of his stickers this morning. It’s a collection of poorly copied Thomas the Tank Engine pictures, and a few buzz words. I got Myles to tell me what one of the words said, he was able to sound it out – “SPEED”. He pointed at one to show me, but without looking at it I asked, ‘what does it say?’ Myles looked at me and said it’s a picture of a pencil – in a tone which sounded a bit like “what are you going on about Dad?”. But then with a cheeky grin he put the sticker book to his ear, and eerily said to me – “It’s saying it’s going to kill you!”