What’s in a name?

Why do they call them Hash Browns, and not Spud Nuggets? (Random thoughts at a buffet, after Owen consumed his 12th or 13th hash brown – and before he asked if he could smuggle a few out in his pockets)

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Autocorrect: my unseen editor

Quite an interesting autocorrect. I meant to type, Making a coffee. My typing was poor and what my iPhone fixed it to was Making a difference. So much better.

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Just when I thought I’d encountered the final dumbterances^ of COVID conspiracy theory cookers, they round for another approach. Re-reported old news is that AstroZeneca has now withdrawn its major COVID vaccine from Australia. Their reason, the latest variants of the virus are more effectively handled with their newer vaccines. But as always, the loudest […]

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Quite the secret

In my household of five people (3 adults), it’s become clear I’m the only person who knows the recipe for making ice. There are perpetual empty ice trays in the freezer til I notice the need for ice. Maybe my family are close to the age where I can confidently pass on that secret family […]

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Quite telling

I generally don’t think of myself as unintelligent. But today, during a meet & greet with a new colleague, I made a note of his legal studies major, where I incorrectly spelled “intellectual” (property).

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Getting old

This getting old stuff is really to starting to hit home. In the mirror I just noticed, I am getting wrinkles in my balding hairline. Two singular activities I once never even anticipated for myself. Let alone them both taking hold simultaneously.

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Syllable Soliloquies

I have enjoyEd documenting the occasional moment or observation in the form of Haiku. Haikus are poems that follow a strict, concise three-line format. They appear simple on the surface, but there is always a challenge to capture the essence of something in 17 syllables. No more, no less. I’ve brought here the ones I […]

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Farcical Recognition

Our community Facebook group recently had one member post images of alleged shoplifters, and even asked for their names, or perhaps it was just for the purpose of shaming the pair into oblivion. Unsurprisingly a huge community uproar ensued, with only a couple of people questioning if it’s an appropriate use of the channel. What […]

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A tough watch

I knew it would be a tough watch. A recent episode of ABC’s Australian Story program featured the work of Mechelle Turvey, mother of Cassius Turvey – the 15 year old Aboriginal boy who was slain in 2022. Cassius was the victim of a senseless, unprovoked, racist attack in Western Australia. His death shocked all […]

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