Quite an interesting autocorrect. I meant to type, Making a coffee. My typing was poor and what my iPhone fixed it to was Making a difference. So much better.
Tag: technology
Farcical Recognition
Our community Facebook group recently had one member post images of alleged shoplifters, and even asked for their names, or perhaps it was just for the purpose of shaming the pair into oblivion. Unsurprisingly a huge community uproar ensued, with only a couple of people questioning if it’s an appropriate use of the channel. What […]
New media is more of the same
I found the following article from The Economist interesting. The End of Mass Media: Coming Full Circle, http://www.economist.com/node/18904158 It describes the current emphasis on social media as not being new. We tend to think the connected have evolved for the better on account of the advances and innovative paradigms of web 2.0 technologies. If we […]
Technology can be misleading
While I’m in Dubai and my family are in Tasmania my four year old son and I have been using Skype to communicate with each other – until their visas are sorted and they can come and join me. Last night, while chatting away with them, my brother Corey was online also, so I started […]