Permanent accommodation nearly there

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Things had became quiet on the accommodation front, to the point where I was just about to contact them to confirm everything was alright.

The last I had heard, from someone inside the move, was that the date had moved out to maybe even July.  It was disappointing, but we just accepted it as there’s nothing we could do about it.

However, imagine our surprise when we got advice a couple of days ago to say that we had been allocated an apartment, and we can actually move in around the last week of this month.

I recognise they may slip a little from this date they cite.  But I’d expect that it should still happen in June if this is their current advice.

Interestingly, the apartment we’ve been offered is our current temporary apartment’s number with just a 1 in front of it.  So we’re going up 10 storeys which my wife is already anxious about.  A fear of heights was always going to be an issue living in an apartment.  Out of 25 floors, 14 is not too bad though.  I believe the view become unobstructed from about floor 10 – for the time being.

We’re certainly looking forward to it.

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