I played a game of touch footy this evening as a fill-in. The conditions were superb. So the weather was almost the opposite of two nights ago when I went for a run to the Burj Al Arab and back. That night I returned possibly three kilograms lighter from loss of fluids.
Contradictory to this statement, I was actually running quite strong cause throughout the run I really had to find a bathroom. Dubai is not the kind of place to “go bush”. And the longer I was running, the more urgently I required the finish line. I was definitely running negative splits toward the homeward stretch.
Touch footy, Dubai style is the same as at home – except you generally need a litre more sweat. It’s one of those activities in a country of expats where you see the usual suspects. Just walking to the field you hear the clear accents of the Aussies/Kiwis, South Africans and British. In fact I made the comment that there were probably only four nationalities on show. The very next second, one of our own team joyously arrived for the game speaking with a distinctive German accent. Woops, there I go making generalisations again.