Queensland floods

Reading Time: < 1 minute

Myles was very interested in news of the devastating floods back home in Queensland, and particularly Brisbane – our former city. He was extremely concerned about the whole emergency. 

From the various stories we shared with him about it, he particularly liked the story of the tug boat driver who saved the Gateway Bridge from the 50 metre strech of concrete walkway that broke away from its pylons – despite the clear risk, and it not being part of his job. Amongst Myles’s praises for the tug boat driver he mentioned, “No job is as important as saving another”.  It was very touching, I just had to hug the boy.  I thought it was excessively deep for a six year old.  Then he told me he didn’t come up with it himself, it was from Thomas the Tank Engine – apparently Rusty said it once.  Still it was lovely to hear him recount it.