Proving I’m human

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I have recently subscribed to Twitter – @rbrink77.

I believe I’ve embraced web 2.0 and social networking for a few years now, but Twitter has never appealed to me. But I should try before I refuse to buy.

I guess not having a Blackberry or sophisticated mobile phone puts me at a slight disadvantage. In fact, my mobile could not be less sophisticated. It has no Bluetooth, and I can’t even change the ring tone. Despite this it serves me extremely well, through surviving my 20 month old’s battering and attempts to eat it.

I have noticed some Twitter feeds use Captcha to ensure the subscription is coming from a human. One of the tweets I subscribed to took this to an interesting level, with its Captcha. I’ve uploaded the screen shot below. If you can’t make out the images, the two words are “bootee secretary”.

Actual Captcha image