I just finished watching Van Dieman’s Land. It was terrible.
Elle and I caught a trailer for the film some time ago, which gave the false impression it would be interesting.
And Van Dieman’s Land – AKA Tasmania – being Elle’s home state in Australia, we also thought it’d be nice to see some familiar beautiful scenery and hear some historical accounts. We were mistaken.
The story tracks the hardships of hardened escapee convicts through the hard Tasmanian wilderness. Then it tracked the hardships of hardened escapee convicts through the hard Tasmanian wilderness.
It was monotonous. Until things got even harder and food become more scarce. So, as you do when in this situation while bush walking through Tasmania, you start knocking off your mates one by one and eating them. The only piece of suspence was who was next to become stew.
In fact, as there was an absence of any other storyline, perhaps they should have named the flick, “Guys walking through bush, eating each other”.
- Rating: 0.5/5
- Tags: Australia, Tasmania, cannibalism