Whale of a comment

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Sadly, a lost baby whale dubbed Colin has been found swimming alone north of Sydney at Pittwater. It’s been trying to nuzzle moored sailing boats, hoping that one of them will be its lost mother.

It seems like a tragic case. The authorities and experts have indicated that the whale will not survive long without its mother. They have all but given up hopes of finding the mother, or another lactating female to give little Colin the necessary support.

Apparently questioning my heavily pregnant wife whether she was lactating yet was out of line.


Addendum: I looked this up after some time.  And sadly Colin was euthanased after authorities found what’s likely to be the mother dead in nearby waters, https://www.news.com.au/news/have-sharks-eaten-colins-mum/news-story/4a34ddbb324d4225e7ddae95018dddfe, accessed 20 Aug 2018.