Movies aboard

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I enjoy flying home to Australia. It’s a 15 hour stretch in front of the industry’s best in-flight entertainment. I usually make the most of it and watch as many movies as possible – which i must say is a bit of a luxury for me.

The first movie I watched was The Trotsky, a unique Canadian comedy directed by Jacob Tierney.

In it, the lead character Leon – played superbly by Jay Baruchel – believes he’s the reincarnation of Soviet Union architect, Leo Trotsky. And in a trying transition period between schools Leon uses the knowledge gained from Trotsky’s bio and seeks out the allies that Trotsky had. He endures some failures, but his ideas and resolve are unswerving.

Does he find success, does he emulate his role model? I can’t spoil it. However, one thing is for sure, he knows what be wants and gains the right counsel to navigate through the tough times.

I imagine it’s quite a unique concept to craft a movie about a student choosing to force Communism into the Canadian public school system. And the movie achieved a wonderful result and built the story exceedingly well. I enjoyed it a lot.

4 proletariat uprisings out of 5.

The second film I watched was The Kings Speech – after a reasonable interlude taking Lewis for a walk up and down the aisles a few times.

I had heard a lot about this film, perhaps as it stars Australian Oscar-winner Geoffrey Rush. Incidentally young Geoffrey used to find himself around my grandmother’s table at lunch time, being from the once small town of Toowoomba – west of Brisbane. He’s obviously cone a long way since those days.

Everything I heard about the film was glowing. After seeing the film I must agree.

The film is about England’s King George VI, and his attempts to I’ve overcome a stammering problem. Rush’s character was the unlikely Australian speech therapist, who had some quirks which didn’t bide well with Royalty.

The scene was set in the 1930s, in a country on the brink of war with Germany. With the passing of his father, and his country under such harsh adversity, the King needed results now, more than ever.

The climax builds into will he triumph or stutter the country into an embarrassing position unmotivated for the challenge at hand.

Thoroughly recommend this film to colonials who enjoy a good story with a dash of historical references to the Monarchy.

3.5 sea shells she sells by the sea shore out of 5.